The Fallen

The Fallen

Drystan, Temple Knight of Lyonesse, is sent to retrieve the betrothed of his uncle, the Duke of Tintagel. This simple journey sets into motion a chain of events that upends the lives of three unsuspecting innocents and everyone they care about.

Betrayal, intrigue, jealousy, murder . . . And love will drive the human condition to its most extreme. Who will survive the emotional struggle and find true love in the end? Or will love be lost forever?

There are strange and dark forces working against the struggle in a very unsuspecting way. A healer with a remote background and a dark secret, a soldier with a penchant for debauchery and the moral high ground, and two mysterious brothers from the mystical island of Hy- Brasil all have a stake in the outcome. And the stakes are higher than any of them could imagine.


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